About the Journal

  • Editor-in-Chief: .....
  • Owner: Iran Mehr: The Institute for Social Study and Research
  • Publisher: KMAN Publication Inc. (KMANPUB)
  • Contact emails: 
  • Open access: YES
  • Peer-review: Yes (Open Peer-review)

Interdisciplinary Studies in Society, Law, and Politics (ISSLP) is a forward-thinking academic journal published by KMAN Publication Inc. (Dubai Office) and supported by the Iranian Association for Sociology of Education. It operates on an innovative, open-access platform, offering a peer-reviewed space dedicated to exploring the intricate connections among society, law, and politics.

ISSLP is committed to cultivating a holistic comprehension of how these realms intersect and influence one another. Our objective is to provide a dynamic forum for scholars, practitioners, and policymakers from diverse backgrounds to exchange research findings, theoretical insights, and practical knowledge. Through this exchange, we aim to enrich our collective understanding of societal structures, political dynamics, and legal principles.

Embracing a broad spectrum of interdisciplinary methodologies, ISSLP seeks to foster a robust discourse that transcends conventional academic boundaries. We welcome contributions that are intellectually rigorous yet accessible to a wide audience, thereby promoting a vibrant dialogue that advances scholarly inquiry and societal discourse.


Copyright and License Agreement

Creative Commons License

Authors retain unrestricted copyrights and publishing rights. The author has complete control over the work . This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

The workings of the Creative Commons: BY-NC License, as stated on the Creative Commons website, is defined as below:

"This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non-commercial, they don’t have to license their derivative works on the same terms."

The authors retain the copyright and full publishing rights without restrictions.

Similarity Check

We uphold the highest standards of academic integrity and rigor. To ensure the originality and quality of all submitted manuscripts, we utilize iThenticate, a leading plagiarism detection tool. All manuscripts undergo a thorough similarity check through iThenticate's advanced algorithms, helping us maintain the integrity of scholarly research and adhere to ethical publishing practices.

Repository and Archiving Policies

Authors are permitted to deposit all the following versions of their paper in an institutional or subject repository without any embargo.
- Preprint
- Author's Accepted Manuscript
- Published article (Version of Record)

The journal's website deposit all mentioned versions.

*The contents are archived and preserved at LOCKSS and CLOCKSS

Therefore, the articles will be available at the mentioned website in case they get removed from the journal website for any reason and the files remain permanently on that websites.